What is ISO 50001?

As an international standard, ISO 50001 specifies the requirements for organizations to develop, implement, and improve Energy Management Systems. This allows organizations to follow a specific framework that helps them achieve continual improvement in energy performance, efficiency, usage, and consumption. This framework specifies the measurements, documents, and reports, which enable organizations to monitor the progress of their processes and employees towards energy performance. ISO 50001 requires organizations to establish new policies for an efficient use of energy, to set aims and objectives to meet those policies and review their impacts; genuinely attempting to achieve continuous improvements of energy management

Why is Energy Management important for you?

Energy is crucial to the organization’s operations and can result in major costs regardless of its activities. Energy Management provides guidance on the usage of energy throughout the organization’s supply chain, from raw materials to recycling.  Apart from costs, energy usage contributes to climate change as well. Considering that the search for alternative energy sources can be time consuming; every organization should aspire to reduce energy consumption and use. In addition, organizations should attempt to increase employee awareness towards energy conservation. By becoming ISO 50001 certified, you will acquire the necessary skills, which will enable you to help the organization comprehend the positive impacts of this standard. Likewise, you will assist the organization to reduce its contribution to global warming, thus become recognized as an environmentally friendly organization.

Benefits of ISO 50001 Energy Management

By becoming ISO 50001 certified, you will be able to:      

  • Increase energy efficiency
  • Contribute to cost reduction
  • Gain competitive advantage
  • Increase effectiveness
  • Promote best energy practices
  • Improve energy performance
  • Implement environmentally friendly practices
  • Help the organization to improve its reputation
  • Assist the organization in energy management
  • Contribute to the organization’s continuous improvement

iso 50001 infographic

How do I get started with ISO 50001 Training?

If you use the opportunity to become ISO 50001 certified, we will make sure that our experts assist you throughout the entire process in order to offer you a worthwhile experience and welcome you to our global network.

Contact us to begin with the first step

PECB Certified ISO 50001 training courses available

Gain expertise on Energy Management through PECB’s ISO 50001 training course. Check the training courses below and find the one that suits you best:

What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 is a widely recognized international standard which specifies the requirements for organizations that want to enhance their environmental performance and increase their operational efficiency. The framework that is based on ISO 14001 will help organizations manage their short-term and long-term processes through the use of efficient resources, which will have a positive impact on the environment.

Why is Environmental Management important for you?

Environmental Management should be a priority for every organization, regardless of its size or industry. Issues including climate change, ozone layer depletion, atmospheric pollution, soil and groundwater contamination, and the disposal of hazardous wastes should be the main concerns of governments, industries and the general public on a global level. ISO 14001 provides guidelines on how to establish policies and procedures, which will lead to a better environmental performance. These policies will help you in maintaining and controlling environmental impacts and legal compliance.

By being certified against ISO 14001, you will prove to your customers and stakeholders that you are aware of the environmental obligations. Moreover, you will be implementing a system which not only reduces environmental impacts but also reduces costs and increases efficiency within the organization. With ISO 14001 your organization will gain a worldwide recognition which will enable you to grow your business in a sustainable manner.

Benefits of ISO 14001 Environmental Management

Obtaining an ISO 14001 certification will enable you to:

  • Improve your career opportunities in the Environmental industry
  • Minimize environmental impact
  • Increase environmental awareness within the organization
  • Reduce the organization’s  costs and waste production
  • Enhance the organization’s profile and integrity
  • Increase the profits

ISO 14001 Infogprahic

How do I get started with ISO 14001 Training?

Becoming ISO 14001 certified is a key factor, which clients are putting an emphasis on when conducting business. That is why PECB’s accredited courses offer you the best practices and tools on how to improve your environmental performance and at the same time boost your profits.

Contact us to start with the first step

PECB Certified ISO 14001 training courses available

Learn more about Environmental Management Systems by attending PECB’s ISO 14001 training courses. Check the training courses below and find the one that suits you best.

What is ISO 37101?

ISO 37101 is an international standard which specifies the requirements of and provides guidance on the establishment of a management system for sustainable development in communities. The standard aims to help communities establish a framework that allows them to improve their standing in their social, economic and environmental aspects. The requirements of the standard can be applied to communities of all sizes in their sustainable development efforts towards smart, more resilient and more efficient infrastructure and ultimately help improve their overall well-being. The standard addresses specific sustainability issues such as governance, education, innovation, health care, interdependence, safety, inclusivity, etc., and has the flexibility of adding other sustainability issues which may prove relevant to the community implementing it. 

Why is the ISO 37101 important for communities?

Alongside the issue of the depletion of finite resources (shortages of clean/drinking water, deforestation, infertile soils, food shortages, etc.), the issue of sustainable development is taking a global and eminent character. Our current way of living is not sustainable, and it will unavoidably leave younger generations with the burden of resource exhaustion. As such, it is imperative that we change our way of living and make our communities around the globe more sustainable.
The need for a more sustainable lifestyle in our communities is also reflected in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Zero Hunger, Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities. The ISO 37101 standard takes these goals into consideration and adds its specific requirements with regard to making communities more sustainable. 

Why should you pursue a certification in ISO 37101?

By becoming ISO 37101 certified, you will prove that you have the credentials to help a community live, work, develop and prosper in a manner that is socially, environmentally and economically sustainable.
A PECB certificate of one of the ISO 37101 training courses demonstrates your commitment to help communities fundamentally change their approach toward sustainable development. In addition, you could help communities by making them more attractive to investors; improve their practices of environmental preservation; improve their adaptability to economic and social changes; steer them toward more responsible resource usage, etc.

Benefits of implementing ISO 37101 in a community

By implementing a sustainable development management system based on ISO 37101, a community will:
  • Build consensus on sustainable development within communities
  • Put in place a system which takes into account the pillars of sustainable development (economic, social, and environmental aspects) as well as the UN SDGs.
  • Improve the sustainability, smartness and resilience of strategies, programs, projects, plans and services that are under the direct responsibility of communities
  • Preserve and improve the environment
  • Improve resilience and optimize resource usage
  • Foster a systematic approach to engaging all interested parties
  • Increase the efficiency and attractiveness of communities
  • Obtain international recognition

How do I get started with ISO 37101 Trainings?

Given the global climate and resource crisis, the issue of sustainable development is becoming more and more crucial for organizations and communities across the globe. Thus, being ISO 37101 certified should be among the priorities of every community and organization. By obtaining the ISO 37101 certification, you ensure that you have the competencies to help communities improve their sustainability.
If you are willing to take the challenge and obtain any of our ISO 37101 credentials, our experts will ensure a smooth experience toward your journey of becoming part of our global network. 

What is ISO 26000?

ISO 26000 is an international standard, which was developed to provide guidance on how to behave in a socially responsible way. This standard is applicable to all organizations, whose aim is to contribute to the health and wellbeing of society, regardless of their size or industry. ISO 26000 is a guidance standard that helps organizations to enhance their operational processes and ensure healthy ecosystem.

Why is Social Responsibility important for you?

Social responsibility has become a major concern nowadays, as the pressure from the public for organizations to behave in a more socially responsible manner and adhere to social standards has significantly increased. Organizations around the world need to take the necessary measures toward enhancing their social performance and making the world a better place. By improving your performance through the adoption of ISO 26000, you will demonstrate to the audience that you are contributing towards a sustainable development.

By becoming ISO 26000 certified, you will not only prove that you are effectively delivering products and services to stakeholders and public; you will also demonstrate that you care about the environment and its sustainability. Moreover, you will enhance the reputation of the company by attracting new customers and employees, who wish to maintain a healthy ecosystem. 

Benefits of ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

By becoming ISO 26000 certified, you will be able to:

  • Increase your profits 
  • Help the organization behave in a more socially responsible manner
  • Enhance the internal processes so that you contribute to the environment
  • Increase the awareness of the impact of social responsibility
  • Motivate the employees

ISO 26000 Infogprahic

How do I get started with ISO 26000 Training?

ISO 26000 certification is becoming fundamental to the short and long-term success of any organization. Thus, by obtaining our ISO 26000 certificate, you will be able to manage todays’ issues and be better prepared for tomorrow. Having gained worldwide recognition for our services and integrity, our global network of experts will guide you through all the necessary steps in effectively adopting the standard according to your business culture.

Contact us to start with the first step

PECB Certified ISO 26000 training courses available

If you want to earn a professional certificate in social responsibility and be recognized worldwide, attend PECB’s training courses and experience what you have been missing so far. Check the training courses below and find the one that suits you best.

About the standard

ISO 20400 is an international standard that provides guidelines on sustainable procurement. The standard can be used by an organizations that intend to improve their social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

The standard’s main guidelines include key sustainability considerations, integrating sustainability into the organization’s procurement policy and strategy, managing risks and opportunities, planning and integrating sustainability into the procurement processes, and measuring and improving the sustainable procurement performance. Throughout all these instances, the engagement of stakeholders is just as important in order for the sustainable procurement initiatives to be successful. Therefore, considerable attention is given to the engagement of stakeholders throughout the supply chain.

Why is ISO 20400 important for you?

Considering the growing awareness with regard to sustainable business practices, nationally and internationally, whether required by laws and regulations, promoted by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, or even by  the changing societal expectations – there are a myriad of reasons in today’s world that drive organizations to be more sustainable.

By attending this training course, you have the opportunity to advance your competencies in order to help organizations integrate sustainability in their procurement policies and practices. In addition, you will be able to support an organization in understanding the conditions and management techniques required to successfully implement and continually improve sustainable procurement.

In addition, through the guidance of ISO 20400, you can help organizations align their procurement processes in a way that positively contributes to worker rights, legal environmental obligations, and economic equity within and throughout supply chain.

Having an ISO 20400 certification, will prove to that you have the necessary capacities to support organizations making sustainable procurement decisions in a manner that is more sustainable socially, environmentally, and economically.

The standard’s benefits

By becoming ISO 20400 certified, you will be able to:

  • Help organizations to put in place a sustainable procurement system which takes into account the pillars of sustainable development (economic, social, and environmental aspects,) as well as the UN SDGs
  • Assist organizations in improving their sustainability within the procurement policy and strategies and the supply chain
  • Assist organizations in improving the environmental, social, and economic impacts of procurement activities
  • Assist organizations in improving resource usage and reducing costs by adopting a life-cycle approach
  • Assist organizations in fostering a systemic approach to engaging all interested parties throughout the supply chain in contributing to sustainability
  • Assist organizations in improving their risks management and opportunity realization
  • Assist organizations in improving their compliance with national and international regulations
  • Assist organizations in gaining international recognition regarding sustainability

Getting started with the ISO 20400 training course

An ISO 20400 Lead Manager certification proves the possession of the necessary competencies to help organizations improve their sustainable procurement practices throughout their supply chain. PECB experts will ensure a smooth experience for anyone that wishes to obtain any of our ISO 20400 credentials.

Contact us to begin with the first step

PECB Certified ISO 20400 training courses available

PECB offers ISO 20400 training courses worldwide. Join our network and grow your professional career by attending our training courses on sustainable procurement. Check the training courses below and find the one that suits you best.

The PECB ISO 20400 Lead Manager training course provides comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental principles, frameworks, and processes of sustainable procurement based on ISO 20400. 

For additional information, please contact us at

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