What is ISO 22301?

As an international standard for Business Continuity Management System, the ISO 22301 is designed to protect, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise. With a Business Continuity Management System, your organization is prepared to detect and prevent threats.

ISO 22301 enables you to respond effectively and promptly based on the procedures that apply before, during and after the event. Implementing a Business Continuity plan within your organization means that you are prepared for the unexpected. Business Continuity Plan assures you that your organization will continue to operate without any major impacts and losses.

Why is Business Continuity important for you?

Being certified against ISO 22301 gives you the power of providing a premium level of services to your shareholders no matter the circumstances. ISO 22301 acknowledges you the ability to secure data backups, minimize major losses and maximize the recovery time of critical functions. With ISO 22301, you will enhance your knowledge and skills and you will be able to advise your organization on best practices in the management of business continuity. Given that, you will improve your ability to analyze and make decisions in the context of business continuity management. 

Benefits of ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management

An ISO 22301 certification brings many benefits, such as:            

  • Expand your knowledge on how a Business Continuity Management System will help you to meet business objectives
  • Gain the necessary knowledge to manage a team in the implementation of ISO 22301
  • Strengthen your reputation management
  • Increase your customer reliability
  • Identify risks and minimize the impact of incidents
  • Improve the recovery time
  • Achieve international recognition

ISO 22301 Infographic

How do I get started with ISO 22301 Training?

Choosing the right certification body to offer you the finest qualitative training can be challenging. Our training is uniquely designed to meet individuals and organization’s needs.  A PECB certification reflects safety, reliability and superior quality. If you are keen to be part of a global network and boost your knowledge, then our experts are helpful and available for your needs!

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PECB Certified ISO 22301 training courses available

If you are eager to further promote your expertise, PECB has the right training for you. Learn more about Business Continuity Management Systems through the PECB ISO 22301 training courses. Check below to find the training that suits you best.

What is Disaster Recovery?

Disaster Recovery includes policies and procedures aimed at protecting an organization from human or naturally triggered disruptions on the IT infrastructure. It plays a significant role in the prevention of data losses, financial consequences, loss of trustworthiness and organizational reputation. A Disaster Recovery Plan includes the measures that an organization should take to swiftly recover its IT systems.

Why is Disaster Recovery important for you?

Having the necessary expertise to support an organization in implementing, maintaining and managing an ongoing Disaster Recovery Plan guarantees you professional recognition. Acquire your essential and fundamental skills in Disaster Recovery and help your organization develop procedures, plans, and recovery processes. Being certified against Disaster Recovery demonstrates your determination to achieve a certain level of professional competence in the industry.

Benefits of Disaster Recovery

The benefits that you will gain upon the successful completion of the Disaster Recovery certification include the following:

  • Strengthen your personal capability to conduct a DR project
  • Acquire the necessary expertise to help an organization in implementing Disaster Recovery practices
  • Help an organization meet its business objectives regarding Disaster Recovery
  • Gain an internationally recognized certification
  • Secure data and hardware
  • Increase your reliability
  • Minimize risk

Disaster Recovery Infographic

How do I get started with Disaster Recovery Training?

Selecting the appropriate training and certification body can be challenging.  Our training is uniquely designed to meet individual and organization needs. With the help of our professionals, you will be able to expand your knowledge, succeed, and most importantly be recognized worldwide.

Contact us to begin with the first step

PECB Certified Disaster Recovery training courses available

If you are eager to take your expertise one step further, PECB offers the right training for you. Acquire more knowledge about Disaster Recovery through the PECB training course. Find below the training that best suits you:

What is ISO 22316?

ISO 22316 explains the nature and the scope of resilience, which helps you and your organization to enhance resilience in a world that is changing every day. Organizational Resilience is the organization’s ability to anticipate, respond and adapt to unexpected disruptions. As an international standard, it provides guidance to improve organizational resilience regardless the size and type of public or private organizations, and does not specify the industry or sector.  ISO 22316 is developed to provide a better understanding of the organizational resilience, its principles and the mechanisms that support it. 

Why is Organizational Resilience important for you?

Becoming ISO 22316 certified will empower you to help your organization in achieving a unique culture, which enables you and your organization to survive and succeed even after an unexpected event happens. Acquire the necessary knowledge to better understand the interested parties and dependencies that support strategic goals and objectives. You will be qualified to help an organization improve its capacity to respond to and anticipate any threats and opportunities. Certainly, having the ability to identify vulnerabilities before they have an impact, guarantees you a competitive advantage in the market. 

Benefits of ISO 22316 Organizational Resilience 

The ISO 22316 Certificate will bring you many benefits, such as:

  • Advance the ability to clarify the nature and scope of resilience
  • Allow you to identify the main components of resilience and enable an organization to review its resilience
  • Provide the necessary knowledge to implement and measure improvement
  • Increase the capacity to adapt and respond successfully to unforeseen events
  • Improve the ability to reduce costs and increase efficiency through the avoidance of pitfalls
  • Gain a better understanding of the threats
  • Build an organizational resilience culture
  • Increase the confidence of clients
  • Ensure legal compliance
  • Ensure contract compliance
  • Increase the competitive advantage

How do I get started with ISO 22316 Training?

Choosing the right Certification Body to offer the finest qualitative training can be challenging. PECB training is uniquely designed to meet individuals and organization’s needs. Acquire a PECB certificate and demonstrate that you reflect safety, reliability and superior quality. Be part of a global network and boost your knowledge with our experts which are here to help you!

Contact us to start with the first step

PECB Certified ISO 22316 training courses available

If you want to take your career a step further by developing your knowledge, PECB has the right training for you. Learn more about Organizational Resilience through the PECB ISO 22316 training course. Click below to find out more about how ISO 22316 can boost your career;

What is ISO 22317?

This international standard is a technical specification which provides detailed guidance on how to establish, implement, and maintain a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) process. It does not suggest a uniform process for performing a Business Impact Analysis but assists the organization to design a BIA process that meets their requirements. Organizations cannot certify their BIA to ISO 22317; however, they can use it as a guidance to effectively implement a BIA process. ISO 22317 is the first and the only standard which solely addresses the Business Impact Analysis. It is designed to complement ISO 22301; nonetheless, it can be used as a stand-alone standard.  The aim of Business Impact Analysis processes is to analyze the actual impact of a disruptive event on the organization.

Why is Business Impact Analysis important for you?

Having the necessary knowledge to outline a detailed process on how to effectively perform the Business Impact Analysis will enable you to take your expertise further. As a certified ISO 22317 professional, you will be able to help your organization to identify Business Continuity requirements, which are important to the organization and its stakeholders. You will also be able to set a timeframe to restore the organization after a disruptive event and to determine the essentials on how to recover the business after the disaster.

Benefits of ISO 22317 Business Impact Analysis

The implementation of ISO 22317 will enable you to reach the following benefits: 
  • Acquire knowledge on how to identify and establish the relationship between products, processes and activities
  • Acquire the necessary skills to adjust the organization’s Business Continuity  program scope 
  • Understand better the needs of partners and other interested parties
  • Increase the ability to identify legal, regulatory and contractual requirements and their impact on Business Continuity requirements
  • Comprehend the concept, methods, tools, and techniques required for maintaining a BIA process.

How do I get started with ISO 22317 Training?

Choosing the right Certification Body to offer the finest qualitative training can be challenging. PECB training is uniquely designed to meet individual and organizational needs. Acquire a PECB certificate and demonstrate that you reflect safety, reliability and superior quality. Be part of a global network and boost your knowledge with our experts which are here to help you!

PECB Certified ISO 22317 training courses available

If you want to take your career a step further by developing your knowledge, PECB has the right training for you. Learn more about Business Impact Analysis through the PECB ISO 22317 training course. Click below to find out more about how ISO 22317 can boost your career.

What is Outsourcing?

In today’s world outsourcing has a significant role and value in organizations since it helps them to increase their efficiency, to mitigate risk and reduce their costs. Outsourcing refers to the acquisition of an organization’s products or services from external third-parties. ISO 37500 includes the main processes and phases of outsourcing, despite the size and sectors of the operating industry. The main aim is to provide an establishment to enable organizations to successfully outsource arrangements within the contractual phase.

Why is Outsourcing important for you?

As an Outsourcing Manager, you have the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully implement, maintain and manage an outsourcing framework based on ISO 37500 with the required components and processes involved. The standard is intended to deliver an establishment which enables the organizations to enter into and continue to sustain successful outsourcing arrangements. Through adequate training, you will be able to achieve mutual benefits for clients and providers, and acquire compulsory skills to advise an organization accordingly when outsourcing. Most importantly, you will strengthen your personal qualification to act as a professional when conducting an outsourcing project.

Outsourcing Infographic

How do I get started with Outsourcing Training?

Choosing the right certification body to offer the finest qualitative training can be challenging. Our training is uniquely designed to meet individuals and organization’s needs.  A PECB certification reflects safety, reliability and superior quality. If you are keen to be part of a global network and boost your knowledge, then our experts are here to help.

Contact us to start with the first step

PECB Certified Outsourcing Manager Training courses available

If you are eager to take your expertise further, PECB has the right training for you. Learn more about Outsourcing through the PECB Certified Outsourcing Manager training course. Check below to find the training that suits you best;

Imagine your organization goes through an event that causes irreparable damage and you discover that the situation could have been avoided or addressed better. Many times, organizations may prevent a crisis by managing small situations and incidents in a timely manner. They can also mitigate the effects of a crisis, even if its occurrence could not be stopped. This can be done by implementing processes and procedures for preventing, preparing for, and responding to a crisis, which constitutes crisis management. 

A crisis is an abnormal event that threatens the continuity of an organization’s operations and may even lead to its collapse. These events may have natural causes or may be man-made, e.g., natural disasters, environmental issues, terrorism, cybersecurity breaches, and employee misconduct. A crisis can occur abruptly or may emerge from small incidents that have not been addressed or have been managed inappropriately. By improving their crisis management capability, not only can organizations prepare for and prevent crises, but they can also manage crises more effectively and learn from them by identifying opportunities for improvement.

What is ISO 22361?

The ISO 22361 standard provides guidance for organizations to develop, establish, maintain, monitor, and continually improve a strategic crisis management capability. In addition, it outlines principles and practices needed to identify and manage a crisis. 

ISO 22361 recommends that organizations adopt a structured approach to crisis management by establishing a framework for crisis management based on leadership, structure, culture, and competence, and adhering to principles for crisis management: governance, strategy, risk, decision-making, communication, ethics, and learning. 

Moreover, the standard describes the crisis management process, which consists of seven steps: anticipation, assessment, prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and continual improvement. 

ISO 22361 guidelines can be helpful in identifying and managing for any organization, regardless of their type, size, or industry. The standard is especially intended for organizations’ top management, who have strategic responsibilities for establishing and improving a crisis management capability, and those who work under the control of the top management.

Figure 1 – Elements of a crisis management capability based on ISO 22361: principles, framework, and process

Why is crisis management important for you?

How an organization responds to a crisis is very important as it affects its existence and reputation. Crisis management enables organizations to implement effective standardized procedures for identifying and assessing potential crises. This enables organizations to establish procedures for preventing crises. When preventing is not possible, crisis management will also enable organizations to successfully prepare for, respond to, and recover from a crisis. 

Preparing for crises includes developing a crisis management plan, which will direct crisis management and enable the organization to prepare its response procedures. Crisis response management procedures enable organizations to make sound decisions within time constraints and conduct initial impact assessments in order to mitigate the negative consequences of a crisis. Whereas, crisis recovery helps organizations regain their reputation, develop adequate strategies to return to normal operations, and adapt to potential changes arising from a crisis.

A significant factor that impacts crisis management is the establishment of effective communication channels and development of a communication plan. Nowadays, news can travel very fast through online platforms. Hence, it is important that organizations communicate with relevant stakeholders regularly and not withhold information that is relevant to employees, customers, and other interested parties. If not managed appropriately, ineffective communication may lead to irreparable damage to the organization’s reputation and, eventually, to its demise. 

Lastly, crisis management includes exercises and evaluation as part of continual improvement. Exercises enhance employee competence by preparing them to respond to a crisis effectively. In addition, by evaluating the employees’ performance while doing the exercises, the organization can identify opportunities for improving its crisis management capability.

Benefits of ISO 22361

Organizations that establish a crisis management capability based on the ISO 22361 guidelines will be able to:

  • Maintain, monitor, and improve their crisis management capability 
  • Ensure the commitment of leadership to crisis management
  • Facilitate strategic decision-making before, during, and after a crisis 
  • Establish effective internal and external communication channels that are beneficial in times of crisis
  • Improve organizational resilience 
  • Establish, foster, and promote safety culture

Why choose PECB?

As a global provider of training, examination, and certification services, PECB aims to help you demonstrate your commitment and competence by providing you with valuable education and certification against internationally recognized standards.

Our crisis management certifications demonstrate that you are able to effectively design, develop, implement, monitor, and continually improve an organization’s crisis management capability. 

How do I get started with crisis management training course?

If you want to learn about concepts and principles of crisis management and how to build a crisis management capability successfully, PECB training courses will meet your needs. We will assist you throughout the entire process to offer you a worthwhile experience.

Contact us to begin with the first step!

PECB Certified Crisis Management available training courses 

Enhance your knowledge and improve your career in crisis management by taking part in our crisis management training courses. Check the training courses below and find the one that suits you best.

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